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Re: mutt writes Fcc: even if the MTA fails to deliver

Michelle, et al --

...and then Michelle Konzack said...
% Am 2004-08-12 08:52:35, schrieb Nicolas Rachinsky:
% > after sending the mail, the former can fail. And no, you can't detect
% > this before sending the mail, since the disk can fill up during (e.g.
% > because of) sending the mail.
% But if the MTA fail to deliver and it does not queue, it 
% sends a message back to mutt that the delivery has failed. 

As I understand you, you use a dumb mailer to hand off to your ISP's
smart mail relay where your mail is then sent on its way out to the
world.  Is that correct?

From mutt's point of view, that is no different from any other error that
happens off of your box, whether the target machine is unavailable or the
recipient mailbox is full or anything else.  Your mutt only knows about
one single MTA, and you've chosen to use one that only knows how to go
and talk to a smarter one.  When you get a bounce back, it's AFTER mutt
has sent the mail.

So now you have the dilemma of whether or not mutt is expected to track
and handle every MTA error and condition on all of the hops you make and
boxes you meet...  I hear that Microsoft tries to accomplish that sort of
thing, though I don't put any stock in the idea ;-)

THe more I look at it, the more this seems to boil down to a difference
between MUA and MTA, and it's quite a Good Thing to allow them to remain


David T-G
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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