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Re: mutt writes Fcc: even if the MTA fails to deliver

Am 2004-08-12 08:52:35, schrieb Nicolas Rachinsky:

> I'm not sure wether I understand you correctly. What does your 'which'
> refer to?
> a)
> No, it can't in David's above suggestion. If writing to the fcc happens
> after sending the mail, the former can fail. And no, you can't detect
> this before sending the mail, since the disk can fill up during (e.g.
> because of) sending the mail.

But if the MTA fail to deliver and it does not queue, it 
sends a message back to mutt that the delivery has failed. 

I think mutt must remember that it has already written a 
Fcc and not to continue to write Fcc's to disk which fill 
up unneccesary the Disk. I send realy often Messages from 
some MBytes and some times my ISP's smtp-relays deny for 
some time the sending of such big messages... So I do not 
like to store a dozen of 10 MByte Messages on Disk or in 
my postgresql. Please note, that I am using IMAP, which 
mean, that I have unneccesary traffic too, because curently 
mutt writes every time I try to send the message to the 
SEND-Box on my Imap which will every time 10 MBytes for 

Oh yes, the message that a Messages can not be delivered 
comes AFTER mutt has written Fcc and send the Message. 

So I need to resend the Whole Message... In my example 
every time 20 MBytes. 

> b)
> No, if writing to the fcc fails, mutt should not (and does not) send
> the mail.

If mutt fails to write Fcc then you have much mor problems...


I think, a new mutt option which allow whether Fcc is 
writen bevore send() or after it is send is neccesary to 
fit the needs of all mutt $USER

> Nicolas


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