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Re: Subject üî

Thus spake Alain Bench [09/06/07 @ 19.17.56 +0200]:
>     And the "ui" arrived here cleanly. This may mean the replacements
> were inserted when you entered the "uia". Where? At Mutt's subject
> prompt? Or in Vim in $edit_headers? Typed, or Pasted?

Hmm, I don't know.  I didn't paste it in.  I'm pretty sure now that I entered 
it in the subject prompt, because I recall dreading that vim would screw it up 
in the compose mode.

> > The thread arrows are drawn correctly except that they have spaces
> > between them, like a dashed line. I'll maybe mess with nsterm later.
>     So that's not a TERM problem: I've already seen screen copies of
> Terminal.app with such small interruptions in lines, especially vertical
> ones. Could it be a font, or font size related problem?

Mine have vertical mistakes, not horizontal ones.  It is not a font problem, 
because the font --- Monaco --- looks incorrect at all sizes when $LANG is set 
to en_US.UTF-8 and so is Terminal.app; but it looks correct at all sizes when 
either (i) both are set to Latin1, or when (ii) $LANG is unset and Terminal.app 
is anything.  By the way, both boxes for "enabling wide" are un-checked.

Latin1 it is, until further bizarre things pop up.  Plus, xterm under X11 does 
it right under Latin1, while it is screwy under UTF-8. (uxterm and other 
things, like the -u8 option and friends, resulted in messed-up colors, 
including no colors in vim -- a deal-breaker).

Thanks again,