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Re: Subject charset issue (was: merging/linking tagged messages into

Thus spake Alexander Dahl [08/29/07 @ 10.36.07 +0200]:
> Hi folks, 
> I know, I'm a little off-topic, but I have a question about a charset issue:
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 02:39:54PM -0400, Crist??bal M. Palmer wrote:
>                                                ^^
> > Crist?bal Palmer
>        ^
> I have a clean mutt 1.5.16 running on a linux with locale "de_DE@euro" which
> is in fact iso8859-15. I connect with PuTTY configured to the same locale.
> The above quoted message has charset utf8 both in Subject and message body.
> Mutt displays message body correctly but Subject is not correctly decoded as
> you can see above.
> Did I miss some in my configuration (I can't imagine), is this a bug in
> mutt I should report or is it a wrong coded mail?

This seems like a good time for me to jump in ... for me, the "from" line is 
rendered correctly but the signature is not.

But the point of my post is this: the correctly-shown "from" is the very first 
time, ever, in my history with mutt that an accented character has been 
displayed.  Normally, I get either a single question-mark or a double one.  I 
have tried setting my terminal app to UTF-8, ASCII, MacRoman, etc., but none of 
that makes it appear correctly.  I looked online at the wiki/faq/charset, and 
as it instructed I looked at $LANG.  I found that echo $LANG returned nothing.  
(I'm on MacOSX 10.4, using Terminal.app).  So I followed the wiki and did this: 
export LANG=en_US.ISO-8859-1.  Still no dice, although the accented 'o' in 
'Cristobal' stopped being rendered correctly, and now looks like this: 
Crist\xxx\xxxbal, where the x's are digits.

Still following the wiki, I tried checking to see if mutt picked up on the fact 
that I changed $LANG, by typing :set &charset ?charset.  Mutt revealed that 
charset="US-ASCII".  Meanwhile, my terminal application (not bash) is still on 

For that matter, terminal-vim never displays accented characters correctly, 
either, whether it's called by mutt or not.  But I don't think vim is the 
culprit, because mutt displays them wrongly in the index view and when reading 

What do I do?  Thanks much,