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Re: [Slightly OT] Allow for choosing browser to follow a link

On 2007-08-29, Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 29 at 09:15 AM, quoth Gary Johnson:
> >I use w3m instead of urlview for the Ctrl-B command.
> >
> >   macro index \cB ": unset wait_key; set pipe_decode\n|w3m\n: set wait_key; 
> > unset pipe_decode\n" "call w3m to extract URLs out of a message"
> >   macro pager \cB ": unset wait_key; set pipe_decode\n|w3m\n: set wait_key; 
> > unset pipe_decode\n" "call w3m to extract URLs out of a message"
> >
> >The : command within w3m turns all URL-looking strings in the text 
> >into links.  W3m allows you to configure as many as three external 
> >browsers that can be used instead of w3m itself to view the current 
> >page (M, 2M or 3M) or follow the current link (<Esc>M, 2<Esc>M or 
> >3<Esc>M).
> Also... in my w3m, pressing : doesn't seem to do anything, and 
> pressing M just makes it say "Can't browse stdin". I presume you have 
> something in your w3m config that changes it's behavior?

Hmm.  I don't know why it wouldn't respond to :.  I'm using 
w3m-0.5.2, but I think it has had that feature for quite a while.

By default, : only affects URLs that are visible on the current 
page.  To have it linkify all URLs in the document, you need to set

   Treat URL-like strings as links in all pages              (*)YES  ( )NO

The M commands hand the URL of the current page or of the selected 
link to the external browser.  W3m can't do that with stdin.

I've attached my ~/.w3m/config so that you can compare it with 
yours.  The 'extbrowser' setting may look odd.  I run mutt on a Sun 
machine because that's where I do most of my work and have most of 
my tools installed but I run Firefox on a Linux machine (also my X 
server) because it's easier to install Firefox on Linux than on Sun.

I hardly ever use the second or third external browser.  I just 
tried using them and they don't work.  They did in previous releases 
of w3m.  Now though, 2M, 3M, 2<Esc>M and 3<Esc>M all open the 
page/link in Firefox.  I just tested w3m-0.5.1 and it works 
correctly.  Oh goody, one more thing to look into.

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