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Re: Subject �üîå� charset issue

Thus spake Alain Bench [09/02/07 @ 11.03.22 +0200]:
> > I made all three agree on en_US.UTF-8, and the result was terrible.
> > Most accented chars still were garbled.
>     Strange: I've seen reports about this very setting working OK on
> MacOS-X. The shell command "locale charmap" prints something? And what
> for the usual ":set &charset ?charset" (normally the first "UTF-8", the
> later "utf-8").

"locale charmap" yields "unknown keyword charmap".  I seem to have partially 
sovled the UTF-8 problem.  It turns out that the problem was in my muttrc, 
which wants to see "set charset=UTF-8" instead of "=en_US.UTF-8", while the 
latter is what $LANG wants to see.

I say "partially solved", because there are still some weird things.  FIrst, 
even though I send test mails to myself in the UTF-8 mode, I see that my 
subject line in the header is encoded in ISO-8859-1.  (I see this by pressing 
'h'; otherwise it looks beautiful).  Second, when I save such a message to 
disk, it ends up being in Latin1, even though Terminal.app, $LANG, and muttrc 
are all UTF-8.  Third, while Terminal.app displays things correctly, xterm (via 
Apple's X11) does not render correctly under UTF-8.  I hypothesize that I have 
to do something to xterm to force it to work under UTF-8, but even after 
googling I don't know what that is (I compiled it in).  However, xterm works 
just fine with ISO-8859-1.

I'm also wondering if part of the weirdness is because I should be doing 
something to my vimrc to make vim write the file in the right encoding.

>     However, we can't be sure if it's its fault, or effect of some
> charset mix in your config. Could you please send me a test mail, in
> UTF-8 setup, with Cristóbal's accent both in subject and in body?
Ångström.  SØren.  Cristóbal. Æneid.  Straße.  Œdipus.

While I want to be able to view accented chars myself, I also don't want to 
send people emails in which they're garbled, or in an encoding that isn't 
common, etc.  Is it better to do Latin 1 or UTF-8?

Thanks so much.