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Re: Subject =?en_us.iso8859-1?b?77+9w7zD?=

Thus spake dv1445@xxxxxxxxx [09/03/07 @ 15.22.31 -0400]:
> Ångström.  SØren.  Cristóbal. Æneid.  Straße.  Œdipus.

Wow, I can see myself that this looks terrible.  So does the subject line, 
which when I composed it was three characters: u with umlaut, i with 
circumflex, and a with o on top.  After I saved it, it appeared in the mutt 
menu as a wrote it except flanked by two bizarre diamond-shaped things.  Now 
delivered, it's white noise.  Sheesh.

I also see that when I set everything to UTF-8, the little arrows drawn in 
thread view are all wrong.  It's now looking like Latin1 or nothing, unless 
I've done something stupid.