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Re: mime_lookup

On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 10:55:29AM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2004-06-04, Chris Green <chris@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 09:08:19AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> > > 
> > > Ah, oops, that should be in .mime_types not in .mailcap.
> > > 
> > ... or even .mime.types
> > 
> > > It still doesn't work though, I'm still getting "No matching mailcap
> > > entry found.  Viewing as text."
> > > 
> > ... but I still get the above message.
> I found that my mutt was not looking in ~/.mime-types but in
> $PREFIX/etc/mime.types, where PREFIX is set when the mutt source is
> configured.  (In my case, this was
> /home/garyjohn/src/mutt-  The mutt manual says:
>   5.2.        MIME Type configuration with mime.types
>   When you add an attachment to your mail message, Mutt searches your
>   personal mime.types file at ${HOME}/.mime.types, and then the system
>   mime.types file at /usr/local/share/mutt/mime.types or /etc/mime.types
> so the fact that it didn't seem to see my ~/.mime.types file appears
> to be a bug, or something in my configuration I don't understand.  I
> don't have time to investigate this too deeply right now, but I did
> discover that adding "log" to the list of text/plain extensions in
> /home/garyjohn/src/mutt- did get rid of the
> error message when opening a log file from the attachment menu, but
> mutt did not auto_view it--something else to investigate.
OK, thanks, I'll try that.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)