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Re: mutt writes Fcc: even if the MTA fails to deliver

Michelle --

...and then Michelle Konzack said...
% X-Message-Flag: Improper configuration of Outlook is a breeding ground for 
viruses. Please take care your Client is configured correctly. Greetings 

Tee hee.  The first configuration step, of course, is to replace Outhouse
if you're using it :-)

% Am 2004-08-13 00:57:24, schrieb David T-G:
% > When you resend a message, how do you do it?  Is it a simple bounce or
% > a true new mailing?  If it is a new mailing, with a new envelope and a
% > fresh Message-ID:, then it makes sense for mutt to write a fresh copy,
% > whereas if it's just a bounce to reinject then mutt already doesn't write
% > another copy.
% No, it is the same...
% If I send a message and the ISP's smtprelay is busy, I get a messge 
% in mutt, that it can not delver and a Error Message from the MTA. 
% I type "q" to get out of this view and hit "y" to try the sending 
% again. If it fails I get the same screen as before. 

Ahhh...  OK; I get this.  Yes, I see your point; I have on occasion had
problems with improper addresses which make my qmail MTA puke and not
send, and I get the same duplicate fcc that you do.  [Of course, in my
case I *want* the duplicate, since the latest one has all of the fixes in
it, but your error is different.]

% Now if I postpone the message or it is delivered, I go into the SEND 
% folder, I see oll Fcc line by line. Because in Threated Index mutt 
% sort by Message-ID and the have all a "=" at the begining. 
% I have viewed it in the Editor and the singel difference is the 
% "Date: " Header.

Hmmm...  So it *isn't* really the same message, even though it has the
same M-ID: field.  That's definitely an interesting one.  I guess mutt
doesn't consider updating the date to be changing the envelope...

% > OK, a second question (giving me a bit of leeway counting the first two
% > questions as really part of the same one), then.  If you send a fresh
% > copy instead of bouncing to reinject, why not switch to reinjecting?
% Because if I leave the Error Message i can not bounce because I am back 
% in the Send-Menu. 

Right.  Of course, you could leave that and go your fcc box and then
bounce, but at this stage that would be a pain when all you want to do is
just hit 'y' again.

I'd agree with Vincent that you should just clear the fcc: field at this
point before either trying to submit again or postponing for later.

% And second I can't cancel the messages because it is already saved and 
% goes into the postpone folder and each time I write a new message, it 
% ask me whether I like to sand a postponed message or not (I need this 
% feature). 

Same here; I have a few that I never got around to sending and so they're
always there :-)

% Then I must open my SEND folder and bounce the message...
% I think, this is unneccesary work. 

Yeah.  Agreed.

% > HTH & HAND
% > 
% > :-D
% Greetings and nice weekend
% Michelle

Thanks; you, too!

David T-G
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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