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Re: wich settings for using firefox with mutt ?

mess-mate wrote:
> When i do a '/home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox /tmp/somehtmlfile.html' 
> firefox is launched with or without mozilla is running.

In that case then I think the path that Elimar was suggesting must be
explored.  Is the mailcap file that you are modifying actually being
used?  Try to set up a wrapper script that logs information when run
so that you can verify that your configuration is doing what you

Example wrapper script $HOME/mywrap:
  echo "In the wrapper script."
  for arg in "$@"; do
    echo "with arg :$arg:"
  } >>/tmp/wrapscript.out; done
  /home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox "$@"

Then modify the mailcap to call the wrapper script.

  text/html; /home/mes-mate/mywrap %s; description=HTML Text; test=test -n 
"$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.html

That should make mutt call 'mywrap' which should log to the file that
it was called and with with arguments.  Then it should call your
firefox script and launch firefox on it just as if you had called it
from the command line.

If that does not log anything then it is not being called and you have
not found the right mailcap file.  If it is being called then there
should be enough debugging hooks there to deduce why the browser is
not coming up.  You may find reason to add more debugging to the
script as you get more clues.  But doing this should lead to a reason
for the problem.
