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Re: wich settings for using firefox with mutt ?

Bob Proulx <bob@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| mess-mate wrote:
| > Mozilla is launched every time, not firefox.
| > | To test that your firefox is receiving these pages try attaching to it
| > | with the command interactively from another shell window.
| > | 
| > |   /home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox /tmp/somehtmlfile.html
| Is mozilla launched when you try the above?
YES.. firefox is launched, also when mozilla  is running;

| I think the problem is something different.  Let me guess (with all
| that implies) that you have mozilla running.  The firefox wrapper will
| see that and simply tell the running process to bring up the specified
| file.  I find that behavior annoying but it is a mozilla/firefox
| wrapper behavior.
So, can it be a mutt/mailcap configuration ?


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