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Re: wich settings for using firefox with mutt ?

Bob Proulx <bob@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| mess-mate wrote:
| > I've installed firefox in my $HOME dir.
| > But can(t use it with mutt:
| > my mailcap file looks like :
| > text/html; /home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox '%s';     description=HTML
| > Text; nametemplate=%s.html; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""
| That is on two lines.  That will be a problem.

Sorry, was a paste text; is on 1 line of course.

| > text/html; /home/mess-mate/firefox/firefox '%s'; description=HTML Text;
| > test=test -n "$DISPLAY";  nametemplate=%s.html
| Again that is on two lines.  It needs to be all on one line.
| Here is an example.  Try this:
|   text/html; /home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox %s; description=HTML Text; 
test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.html
Is the same of mine above on 1 line of course.

Don't work and i do not know why :(
Mozilla is launched every time, not firefox.

| That definitely works for me and I simply substitued your path into
| the location.
| To test that your firefox is receiving these pages try attaching to it
| with the command interactively from another shell window.
|   /home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox /tmp/somehtmlfile.html
| Bob


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