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Re: wich settings for using firefox with mutt ?

Bob Proulx <bob@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| mess-mate wrote:
| > When i do a '/home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox /tmp/somehtmlfile.html' 
| > firefox is launched with or without mozilla is running.
| In that case then I think the path that Elimar was suggesting must be
| explored.  Is the mailcap file that you are modifying actually being
| used?  Try to set up a wrapper script that logs information when run
| so that you can verify that your configuration is doing what you
| think.
| Example wrapper script $HOME/mywrap:
|   #!/bin/sh
|   {
|   echo "In the wrapper script."
|   for arg in "$@"; do
|     echo "with arg :$arg:"
|   done
|   } >>/tmp/wrapscript.out; done
/tmp/wrapscript.out; ( not the 'done' )

|   /home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox "$@"
| Then modify the mailcap to call the wrapper script.
|   text/html; /home/mes-mate/mywrap %s; description=HTML Text; test=test -n 
"$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.html
| That should make mutt call 'mywrap' which should log to the file that
| it was called and with with arguments.  Then it should call your
| firefox script and launch firefox on it just as if you had called it
| from the command line.
| If that does not log anything then it is not being called and you have
| not found the right mailcap file.  If it is being called then there
| should be enough debugging hooks there to deduce why the browser is
| not coming up.  You may find reason to add more debugging to the
| script as you get more clues.  But doing this should lead to a reason
| for the problem.
| Bob
No way to get firefox launched ... i've disabled all mailcap's i've
found (except the one from mutt of course), disabled mozilla in the
mutt/mailcap file, etc.. but mozilla is still there ! 
The only way i've found to not get mozilla launched is setting in
'alternatives' firefox as the alternative; this case mozilla isn't
launched but NOR firefox.( not one at all)
I'm searching....

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