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Re: mutt development status

On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 03:18:19 -0400, Derek Martin wrote:
: On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 11:45:21PM -0700, Will Yardley wrote:
: > > The first one is a problem because the mail ISN'T new... it's been
: > > seen already, it just hasn't been read.

: > I think this should (ideally) be configurable either way. 

: Absolutely, assuming mutt's current model.  But let's pretend your
: mailer did the following:

:  - allowed you to list folders in order of priority (as mutt does, and
:    I do this too)
:  - considers newly delivered mail in all folders as "new"
:  - when changing folders, assumes new mail in the current folder is
:    not currently important to you, so remembers that mail as "unread"
:  - selects the first folder in the list with "new" mail
:  - when no "new" mail remains, select the first folder with "unread"
:    mail
:  - when no "unread" mail remains, selects the next folder in the list
:    after the one you're currently in

: If you had this behavior, is there any reason to make it configurable?
: Is there any reason why anyone would want something different?  I
: suppose there may be one, but I can't conceive of it.

Well, yes, actually.  Scanning mboxes -- especially the number I have --
is slow.  I've never liked the 'O' flag; most of the mail I receive I need
to read in order, so there's little point in having received something,
and not read it.  The behaviour above isn't at all useful to me.

The way I personally get around the mailbox problem is screen(1).  mutt is
lightweight (<10MB/process; usually a lot less), so running multiple
copies isn't a problem.  Instant access, problem solved.

The amount of mail I receive and am expected to at least take note of if
not actually read is rather high, and so for obvious reasons I procmail it
into different mailboxes.  Most of these get rather large rather quickly
(I have several over 20K messages, and that's with a lot of /dev/nulling
of mail before delivery), and I find the whole mailbox choosing model
rather annoying and slow.  I'm sure I'm not alone.

Dickon Hood

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