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Re: mutt development status

On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 09:20:45AM +0100, Dickon Hood wrote:
> :  - allowed you to list folders in order of priority (as mutt does, and
> :    I do this too)
> :  - considers newly delivered mail in all folders as "new"
> :  - when changing folders, assumes new mail in the current folder is
> :    not currently important to you, so remembers that mail as "unread"
> :  - selects the first folder in the list with "new" mail
> :  - when no "new" mail remains, select the first folder with "unread"
> :    mail
> :  - when no "unread" mail remains, selects the next folder in the list
> :    after the one you're currently in
> : If you had this behavior, is there any reason to make it configurable?
> : Is there any reason why anyone would want something different?  I
> : suppose there may be one, but I can't conceive of it.
> Well, yes, actually.  Scanning mboxes -- especially the number I have --
> is slow.  I've never liked the 'O' flag; most of the mail I receive I need
> to read in order, so there's little point in having received something,
> and not read it.  The behaviour above isn't at all useful to me.

If you're reading all your mail in order, then it's also not harming
you.  For you, nothing changes.  With the above behavior, you will
still read your mail sequentially.  Mutt will not mark any of your
mail as unread, because you will read it all before you leave the
current folder.  All aspects of the way you read your mail would be
identical.  So, in what way does this behavior not meet your needs?

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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