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Re: mutt and filtering

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Thorsten Haude <mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> muttered:
> >The reason I can recommend procmail, without any hesitation that it
> >might be too much of a burden for the newb to handle, is that the
> >newbs I knew didn't stay newbs for long and in the long run it just
> >paid off.
> And this is where I disagree. For that payoff to work, there must be
> something that Procmail can do that others can't. There isn't. You
> just waste time learning its weird syntax.

That's pretty confident for a non-procmail user to say, but I get
your point. :-) You know, I'm just an experienced procmail user and
love its structured syntax. Each and every filtering problem that
arised here at my systems could be solved with procmail. Friends who
used linux from the start or switched later, they all use procmail.
Some because of recommendations, some looked themselves for the right
tool. So I don't see any reason why I should not recommend it, or
even urge newbs away from it.

You have good if not best experiences with maildrop and you recommend
it, that's fine with me and I expect it from you. But I have to
disagree with your reasoning: Lets the newb decide what he likes and
works best with, just point out the tools available to him.

Getting the job done, that's all that matters. With maildrop,
procmail, whatever tool is out there.

> Assembler might get the job done. That's no reason to recommend it to
> programming newbies without reservations.

Yepp; metaphors...

Recommendations normally relate to the job at hand and are highly
subjective by nature.

- -- 
Bastard Administrator in $hell

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