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Re: mutt writes Fcc: even if the MTA fails to deliver

Am 2004-08-12 13:12:34, schrieb Thomas Glanzmann:
> Hello,
> > ... if I am not at home I have only 128 kBit. 
> Let's do the math. 128 kbit == 16 Kbyte
> You have a chached IMAP box with 3041 messages in. The Information the
> cache needs to exchange with the server is

this is around the size of debian-user-german  :-)
> 2126 Kbyte (receive) and 54 Kbyte (sent) 2180/16 == 136 seconds (uncached)

I have around 6 Minutes via IMAP and ssl

>  124 Kbyte (receive) and  3 Kbyte (sent)  127/16 ==   7 seconds (cached)

The patch does not work for me...

> shoot the admin. And I am not so sure, if you're in trouble. Try it! If
> it is well designed it should be quiet fast! But don't expect resonable
> performance from something homebuild bullshit of a noob, who thinks that
> 'mail' in postgresql is a cool thing to have.

It is around 5 times faster then maildir and searching... :-)
Have you tried to search in more then 5 Million Messages ?

I have rearrnged the tables in the postgresql and now I have for each 
mailinglist ONE table :-) No problem even ich I have 5 years of lkm 
stored... which is the bigest list and the table has curenly arround 
300.000 rows/messages

Try to search this from maildir or a normal imap Server...

> I'm sorry if the correct way of doing things offends you. - Okay, not
> really.
> Honestly,
>       Thomas


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