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Re: mails from hotmail

Hello Christoph, 

Am 2004-08-12 13:57:21, schrieb Christoph Berg:
> Re: William Windels in <20040812010800.GA2385@localhost>
> > I have problems to read some mails coming from hotmail-users.
> > I think, the problem is , that the mails are send in the rtf-format.
> > But, when I convert the text with unrtf to plain text, the strange
> > symbols are not removed.
> Hello,
> hotmail doesn't send proper charset headers with their messages. The
> text is declared to be in us-ascii or no charset at all. Mutt refuses to
> display characters it doesn't know about, so you'll see lots of '?' or
> '\123'.

Right, I am on som list of <http://www.arabeyes.org/> and many of the 
developers are using hotmail.com. They send messages in arabic which 
has the charset us-ascii and I see only ?????????? ?????? ????????.

If they send a message text/plain, it is realy easy to detect the 
charset while filtering the body in procmail and manipulaiting the 
"Content-Type: " header. But multipart/alternative or somthing like 
this fails every time. 

> If you want to do something about it, either use procmail to "tune" the
> charset headers, or have a look at wiki.mutt.org/?PatchList, there are
> some patches like "assumed_charset" that might help.

Yes, but it works only with latin... not arabic or hebrew.

> The Right Way would be to get hotmail to fix their crap, or to tell
> their users to get a better webmail provider.

Fix Microsoft ?
How to do ?


> Christoph


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