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Re: Hide (future) uninteresting messages

* M. Fioretti <mfioretti@xxxxxxxxx> [06-10-04 10:34]:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 09:49:32 AM -0500, Patrick Shanahan
> (WideGlide@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> > > 
> > > message, not thread. what is the pattern meaning " if this is in a
> > > thread whose *first* message has score -10000, it must be -10000 too?
> > 
> > The thread is built on the message *subject*. 
> No. Not exclusively at least. The thread is built first of all with
> the In-Reply-To: header and corresponding msgid
> > Your score pattern should be based on the *subject*.
> No. I want to deal with whole threads, as defined above. In that sense
> it doesn't matter what the subject is. It matter which message is a
> *reply* to which one. So, maybe my question should be:
> "how do I give score -10000 to a message which is -in-reply-to a
> message whose score is <= -10000?"

Let's think a little bit here....  <pondering>

If you are *only* concerned with messages related to the 'In-Reply-To:'
header, use that for your pattern.  Does this make sense?

Comment:  use the message-id number

Another Comment:  design a macro that sets the score and writes to a
source file with the message-id that you add by hand.
Patrick Shanahan                        Registered Linux User #207535
http://wahoo.no-ip.org                        @ http://counter.li.org
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