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Re: Hide (future) uninteresting messages

* M. Fioretti <mfioretti@xxxxxxxxx> [06-10-04 09:35]:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 08:35:08 AM -0500, Patrick Shanahan
> (WideGlide@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: 
> > You are not using the current version, so I do not know that it is
> > available, but mutt has a scoring feature that will provide the function
> > you desire.  Look for it in TFM.
> Will it?


> TFM says:
> 3.22.  Message Scoring
>   The score commands adds value to a message's score if pattern
>   matches  it.
> message, not thread. what is the pattern meaning " if this is in a
> thread whose *first* message has score -10000, it must be -10000 too?

The thread is built on the message *subject*.  Your score pattern
should be based on the *subject*.
> Unless you can score the parent message, and have a folder hook that
> says "collaps and hide all threads whose first message has score lower
> than X. Is this what you mean? How should that hook be?

no hook necessary, from TFM:

  6.3.222.  score

  Type: boolean
  Default: yes

  When this variable is unset, scoring is turned off.  This can be
  useful to selectively disable scoring for certain folders when the
  ``$score_threshold_delete'''' variable and friends are used.
  6.3.223.  score_threshold_delete

  Type: number
  Default: -1

  Messages which have been assigned a score equal to or lower than the
  value of this variable are automatically marked for deletion by mutt.
  Since mutt scores are always greater than or equal to zero, the
  default setting of this variable will never mark a message for

  6.3.224.  score_threshold_flag

  Type: number
  Default: 9999

  Messages which have been assigned a score greater than or equal to
  this variable's value are automatically marked "flagged".

  6.3.225.  score_threshold_read

  Type: number
  Default: -1

  Messages which have been assigned a score equal to or lower than the
  value of this variable are automatically marked as read by mutt.
  Since mutt scores are always greater than or equal to zero, the
  default setting of this variable will never mark a message read.

Your choice how you handle undesired threads, delete, mark read, flag
for some other, perhaps automagic, action.

> Also, I also want to prevent mutt from saying "new message in mailbox
> XYZ" if it belongs to an unwanted thread..

You will have to test.  I am not sure.

note:  I do not have a manual for 1.4i.  The actions, para #s, etc,
       may differ.  But the answer is in TFM.
gud luk,       
Patrick Shanahan                        Registered Linux User #207535
http://wahoo.no-ip.org                        @ http://counter.li.org
HOG # US1244711           Photo Album:  http://wahoo.no-ip.org/photos