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Re: Hide (future) uninteresting messages


At  6:13 AM PDT on June 10 M. Fioretti sent off:
> How can I have mutt do all the following for me?
> 1) let me tag a new message so that:
> 2) *all* the resulting thread is always hidden, regardless how many
>   times I leave and re-enter that mailbox
> 3) same as above if I quit, and restart mutt the day after
> 4) mutt does NOT tell me "new messages in these mailboxes" if such
>   messages are only in the "uninteresting" threads

If you can use procmail, see


At the time I wanted seperate killfiles* for each incoming folder, but it
would be much simpler to put the thread killing recipe before any sorting
recipes, and use one killfile.  The drawback with that is that a subject
which bores you in one list might interest you in another list.  That could
be both solved and made more rigorous by instead of checking for subjects,
checking for message-IDs in the references.  But that would be more work, and
I decided that subthreads with new subjects deserve a chance of being seen.

* For the squeamish: it just sent them to =dumpedthreads (but it might as
well have been /dev/null).

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