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Re: Headers rewriting problem

On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 11:48:20PM +0100, Alain Bench wrote:

>     Let's take the case from the other side. You can define a locale
> with unmunged name by providing a full path as name to localedef(8),
> this disables the downcasing and removing of dashes and underscores in
> charset names. So say:
> | # localedef -i es_ES -f UTF-8 /usr/lib/locale/es_ES.UTF-8
>     ...to create a real es_ES.UTF-8 shown in --all-locales and which
> will be selected by your LANG in priority over the es_ES.utf8 one.

Would you believe it?  I can't find my glibc build directory :-(

I'm in the middle of recompiling glibc.

> > installed all locales from the [glibc] build process
>     It uses something as "localedef -i es_ES -f UTF-8 es_ES.UTF-8"
> without path, which creates the munged version es_ES.utf8 in the default
> directory /usr/lib/locale/.


> >>>> Was the invalid byte raw in sent folder, on sent folder display, or
> >>>> the copy/paste generated it?
>     Thanks for the files. Both messages are identical¹ to my copies from
> the list: Sébastien's is clean, yours is invalid. I'm sorry still don't
> know where the problem was, but it seems to have vanished... Now your e
> acutes quoted, copy/pasted to askcc and to body are perfect (??).

interesting. . .

>     [$send_charset]
> >>> I purposely changed it to UTF, in order to encourage its use.
> >> UTF aware mailers (vast majority) will not notice anything. People
> >> with old systems or old mailers unable to see UTF will just be
> >> annoyed
> > I should swap in a pro-UTF signature line when I send UTF email?
>     Yes. And perhaps demonstrate its superior capabilities when they are
> needed: Mix Spanish and Hebrew in same mail, use nice math symbols, IPA
> phonetic pronunciation alphabet, and so on.

LOL :-)

> No need, no use. Because it
> creates unnecessary problems, which is rather dis- than encouraging.

I'd rather encourage UTF's use, since it simplifies everything.  You only
need one encoding no matter what language you want to write in.  You _can_
mix languages if you want.  You have many auxhiliary characters at your
disposal.  You can get the Euro symbol without resorting to 8859-15 or
something.  You can use the Euro symbol in Hebrew text (since 8859-8
doesn't include it - Israelies deal with Euros a lot more than with
Dollars, you know. . .).  In short, it removes all the complexity of
dealing with different "types" of characters.  It brings us back to the
days of ASCII being all that was necessary for most normal people.

>  ¹ Not really identical copies: Your evil iPlanet MTA changes a little
>    bit everything for you. But not touching our todays problem. That
>    needed to be verified.

Yeah, my reply to your private reply vented a bit about OOL's SMTP server.
Another annoyance is its virus scanner, which deletes virus attachments
and replaces them with text/plain attachments explaining that OOL has
robbed me of my email.

> Mutt 1.2.5 users: Do us all a favour, set in_reply_to="%i" in muttrc, so
> threading is not messed up by silly mail servers.

Mutt 1.2.5 users: Do yourselves a favor and switch to the 1.5.x series :-)

> Everybody: Let's burn silly iPlanet mail servers. Dump ashes to
> trashcan. And void trashcan.

I'm all for it ... you'll first have to convince CableVision to fork
their OOL SMTP servers over, though. . .

 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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