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Re: ML-config changes

[=- Vincent Lefevre wrote on Sat  5.Nov'05 at 15:16:12 +0100 -=]

> On 2005-11-05 13:13:05 +0100, Rado S wrote:
> > {unwanted moderation}
> >  (Happened to me and Vincent quoting me) :-(
> And for this message too, probably.

Stop it, you schmock, I _wont_ reload 1MB mod-queue over and over
again. :)
(Uhm, btw, good that you remind me: I'll kill the current queue).

Your replacement was not enough, because I just found out how
_drastic_ this filtering is, see yourself below. It matches even
certain substrings of "subscribe" & Co.

> As we are in a mailing-list about a MUA, one could need to use
> these words. This should be fixed!

For those interested, the current _global_ settings affecting
_all_ mutt ML, probably incl. mutt-users (not sub'ed myself):

I'm sure some items should be removed, but I won't decide that all
by myself. Comments/discussion welcome.

> > Sorry, I was speaking of ML bounces informing about denial to ML
> > for whatever reason, not regular bounces for mail problems.
> But the ML bounce could look like a regular bounce (e.g. set the
> reverse path to <> as said in RFC 2821) so that the user can do
> what he wants with it.

a) I haven't found a config possibility for the bounces except
for body content. Structure/header would need code hacking. :-(

b) People unaware of the spam techniques will still be
overchallenged, possibly complaining back to us, but at least
getting spammed themselves by our ML-bounces without their fault.

c) I changed my mind: even though it's a pity for them in b),
non-spammers non-members should be informed how to reach us,
therefore we'll keep the noise for offenders, be they victims or not.

As for your original request:
MJ2 offers pretty nice filtering.
My instant suggestions for taboo_header:



© Rado S. -- If you want something, you must provide your share of
effort. Even if it _seems_ insignificant, in fact every effort
matters, at least to reflect your deserving attitude.