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Re: ML-config changes

Info for you all: do NOT use 'subscribe' or "unsubscribe" ANYWHERE
in your bodies, or else your message will be queued for
 (Happened to me and Vincent quoting me) :-(

Maybe once we've settled major tweaking we can change it so that all
msgs by subscribers queued for moderation produce a moderation
warning to the offender.

[=- Vincent Lefevre wrote on Sat  5.Nov'05 at 11:45:09 +0100 -=]

> On 2005-11-04 20:17:33 +0100, Rado S wrote:
> > - changed that non-members receive a notification that they
> > should subscribe before they post instead of being put in the
> > moderation queue with all spammers, which resulted in being
> > silently ignored after a "review" period due to heavy spam
> > activity.
> Isn't a spam filter used there? If non-members post with Mutt,
> they would probably have a very low score since Mutt doesn't
> generate broken headers or HTML.

Filter: no idea, Steve knows, but guessing from the spam volume in
the moderation-queue: no. (~1300 items/week ;-)
MJ2 has some scoring, too, officially for controlling crossposts.
I'd have to check whether that could be abused as simple filter.

> > For the latter I don't know whether it's better to silently
> > ignore non-members immediately not to cause useless bounces by
> > faked headers...
> It would be very bad to silently ignore non-members. Bounces due
> to fake headers can easily be filtered on the user's side anyway
> since they contain the headers of the message (which could be
> seen as some kind of signature).

Sorry, I was speaking of ML bounces informing about denial to ML
for whatever reason, not regular bounces for mail problems.

This means people completely unaware of mutt-dev would receive
ML-bounces telling them they are denied posting before joining,
because a spammer used their address, so I don't see how a user
could filter those, especially a helpless newbie victim.

© Rado S. -- If you want something, you must provide your share of
effort. Even if it _seems_ insignificant, in fact every effort
matters, at least to reflect your deserving attitude.