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Re: mutt/1296: iso date/time format by default

On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 12:38:06PM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > >> Start a full default Mutt on a full default system: It talks English.
> > 
> >     Default C or POSIX locale is US English,
> Almost no users will ever see such locales. For instance, the Zaurus
> comes with a Japanese locale (and it is a bit difficult to switch it
> to English, since no terminal emulator is installed on it [at least
> the C860] by default). When installing some Linux distributions, the
> locale is the first thing the user is asked to set.

As usual, you have forgotten about the much larger universe on which
Mutt runs; you have limited your thinking very narrowly to modern
Linux systems.  There is a whole host of Unix systems that it runs
on, which by default do in fact get installed with either C or POSIX
locales.  On those systems, as well as on many older Linux systems,
Mutt will speak English unless the user does something to prevent it.

More modern systems may generally ask a user to choose a locale, but
even on those, the default is usually still an English locale.

> > so on such system Mutt talks English by default.
> No.

Sorry, but Alain is correct.  On any system which uses a default
locale of C or POSIX, mutt does in fact use English by default.

> > You missed the "*full default system*" part of my phrase.
> No, you're wrong. The default system (but does this mean anything?)

In English, saying "no, you're wrong" is generally considered rude and
arrogant.  It is very blunt.  It isn't rude to disagree with people,
of course; but to state your disagreement this way comes across as
contemptuous and disrespectful.  And it makes you look even worse when
it is actually you who is mistaken, as in this case.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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