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Re: Printing messages - Setting fontsize.

On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 04:44:31PM EDT, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Tuesday, September  5 at 10:15 PM, quoth Bernhard Walle:

> > I think enscript is not utf-8 capable. So it's unusable on a modern
> > Linux system.

> Lack of utf-8 support hardly makes it *unusable*. Plenty of things are
> merely ascii text, and plenty of people can't handle anything more
> complicated anyway.
.. well .. there are a few other things around that I rely on that lack
utf-8 support so I had to switch back to latin1 anyways.

In any event .. I was expecting the usual rtfm .. and in what .. less
than one hour .. I have a dilemma on my hands ..

I have rapidly tested both solutions and thanks to debian packaging both
enscript and muttprint worked out of the box.

And both gave me very suitable printouts.


· on my box, instead of the proportional font I expected, it uses a
  rather large fixed font with a little too much space separating the
  letters.  Only headers and footers follow the font specification in
  /etc/Muttprintrc.  Nothing like the excellent sample on the muttprint
  web site.  So, I'm likely doing something wrong.

· I would prefer to use a pointsize of 8pts for the body of the message
  but 10pts seems to be the minimum available size.

· The savepaper mode only works for A4 paper.

· I didn't find the Penguin pic in the debian package

· apart from the font issues above, the presentation of the printed
  document is very elegant. 


· if you care to dig .. seems to have lots of functionality .. maybe too
  much for someone like myself who only rarely prints email messages ..
  but then it's nice to know that these capabilities are there if I ever
  need them.

· the default presentation that materialized after I blindly pasted
  Kyle's set command to my .muttrc is acceptable but I suppose this
  could be customized.

So I'm not sure which way I should go now.

Is there any way I could switch between two (or more) print commands on
the fly .. save issuing a ":set print_command" on the mutt command line,
naturally ..?

> For example, I used to send utf-8 encoded email to this mailing list, 
> but I got pounced on by some rather self-righteous people who 
> explained that utf-8 support is hardly the standard.

Yeah .. but look on the bright side .. I'm sure these flames did a lot
to make some folks on the list more aware and more curious of these
issues.  Where I am concerned, they certainly did.

> In any case, it only matters if you have $charset set to "utf8" and
> set $print_decode, or don't set $print_decode and try to print a
> utf-8-encoded email. That's a very small set of people.
> That said, I prefer the way vim colors things. :)

I only have a B&W printer but vim bolds some of the quote levels. I
noticed that neither solution above does that.

Thanks to both for your help.
