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Re: Two trivial howto questions re managing mailbox contents

=- cga2000 wrote on Wed 26.Jul'06 at  1:49:55 -0400 -=

> > <save-message> (bound to `s' by default) "moves" the message.
> My problem was that I had a hunch that there had to be a better
> way.. *and* I had this nagging feeling I had seen something
> somewhere that might do it.. but what was it.. ?? had it on the
> tip of my tongue, like.. but it just-wouldn't-click..
> Retrospectively.. my guess is that what prevented me from
> figuring it out myself is that the "save-message" command is a
> bit of a misnomer.. it's more of a "move-message" .. I mean your
> car is parked on the wrong side of the street.. you don't want a
> ticket.. so you move it, right.. you don't "save" it..

Well, maybe the explanation (attempt) in the wiki-faq helps a bit.

But I agree, some things are named badly/ unintuitively for a
non-techie end-user perspective.

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