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Re: Poll: vars naming scheme, some answers

[=- Jack Bertram wrote on Fri  2.Jun'06 at 15:39:40 +0100 -=]

> > > You make it appear obligatory to hit the wiki for those users who
> > > have taken part in this discussion.
> > 
> > Yes, it is. Otherwise just say "yes"/"no" and save the bandwidth
> > and the time to read your noise.
> 1. The wiki isn't, and has never been, a formal part of mutt's
> development community.

Says who?
It was created by Mr. Mutt himself, Michael Elkins.
It's (even _deep_) linked from the mutt.org homepage.
What else does it need to qualify?

> 2. A mailing list is a better forum for debate than a wiki.

I don't object that, but why do you want me to _start_ the debate
by just _copying_ over what is written there instead of reading it
right there? I didn't prohibit discussion of _new_ thoughts here,
I just want to stop repetitions.

> 3. Mutt development isn't democratic, and it's certainly not the
> case that you just need to assemble some majority vote to get
> some changes implemented.

It's not democratic, right.
But for this particular case it was proposed by the ruler, since
he had concerns about the majority.
I, too, would prefer a ruler rather decide on good reason rather
than an emotional crowd.

> Provide a reasoned argument and convince the maintainers that
> the changes should be made {...} and they will be implemented.

I'm at it, I'm fighting at several fronts at the same time.

> (notice I don't say "shout" or "reiterate your points" but
> "convince" - i.e., respond to rebuttals)

I'm sorry for hitting you with this "shouting", but I already said
I'm sorry in the offending eMail, if you had cared to read through.
What you direct at me ("reiterate") should be directed to those
that provoked my response.
But no worries, this will not happen again, as I hope people learn
form their mistakes.

> If you don't want to work through accepted channels, fork the thing.
> Perhaps you'll have more success than mutt-ng.


This is _not_ the point, but I've been aware of that already,
thanks for pointing this out again.

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
Even if it seems insignificant, in fact EVERY effort counts
for a shared task, at least to show your deserving attitude.