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Re: Poll: vars naming scheme, some answers

[=- markus reichelt wrote on Thu  1.Jun'06 at 23:06:54 +0200 -=]

> I'm deaf already.

> >  But obviously some of you are disrespectful, uncaring, 
> May I inquire what's wrong with 
> choosing personal convenience over global improvement of docs,

Nothing, just say so by your vote.

> mentioning some immediate thoughts about that matter in this
> discussion,

To avoid repetitions, because others said your stuff already, and
while it is valid in its own right, repeating doesn't make it any
more valid.

> and selfishly choosing to ignore some veni vidi wiki poll?

Well, to show that you are not one of those who can only cry "no,
don't hurt me" but contribute content what makes you oppose and
how to fix it so it doesn't hurt you (that much).

> You make it appear obligatory to hit the wiki for those users who
> have taken part in this discussion.

Yes, it is. Otherwise just say "yes"/"no" and save the bandwidth
and the time to read your noise.
 If you really were so much convenience oriented, then why do you
spend so much time repeating stuff?

If you don't care to read, why should anyone respect what you
write or otherwise have to say?

[=- ze phyr wrote on Fri  2.Jun'06 at  9:29:31 +0800 -=]

> Stop making a fuss here and stop using all those Capitalized Words.
> They don't make your points clearer.

Fine, then
a) explain why people fail to understand what the vote is about,
b) tell me how to make them understand how to do things right?

Namely not to pretend to make decisions as pseudo-maintainer "to
save all the other users from the pain", but just whether oneself
can cope with the pain just for oneself alone.


> Will the result of this polling or 'so-called' vote lead to anywhere?


> What is the deadline of this polling or vote?

Short before the next official release.

> Who is going to implement the choice made?

Rado, unless somebody else feels more qualified.
But actually, the required code changes are no-brainers, anyone
can rename and resort the entries.

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
Even if it seems insignificant, in fact EVERY effort counts
for a shared task, at least to show your deserving attitude.