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Re: How to send simple html emails

Hello Peter, 

Am 2004-10-31 21:02:30, schrieb Peter Bisset:
> Hi,

> pbisset@desley> cat x
> To: pbisset@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> From: foo1@xxxxxxx
> Subject: A simple example
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: Text/HTML; charset=US-ASCII

Here is a missing "blanc" line.

> <HTML>
> <head></head>
> <body>
> <h1>Hi there!</h1>
> An example of an HTML message.<p>
> Try clicking <a href="http://fbs";>here.</a><p>
> </body></HTML>
> pbisset@desley> 
> and have tried sending this like this:
> cat x | mutt -H /dev/stdin

???  -  Why not

cat <your_message> |/ur/sbin/sendmail -t

I was working with SCO too, and I have done this directly
with 'sendmail' which is very well working. 

> Can someone pls help me - have searched and searched,
> but can't find out how to do it or what I am doing
> wrong. I don't want to send graphics (yet;-), just a
> message with a very long URL hidden.

'mutt' does change the "Content-Type:" to its default

> Thanks


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