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Re: Open html email in Safari

On Monday, November  1 at 11:53 AM, quoth David Champion:
> * On 2004.11.01, in <20041101164512.GB1064@xxxxxxxxxx>,
> *     "Nik Engel" <mutt-users@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi! 
> > I am using mutt on OSX and I wonder if it is possible to open html
> > emails in Safari? Is anybody doing this? Any ideas ? 
> You'll need a suitable ~/.mailcap entry. I haven't tried this, but I
> suspect you can work out a solution along these lines:

This solution will work, except in the case of embedded graphics, which 
is very hard to get working (see the discussion in the archives about 
viewing HTML mail with Mozilla).

In case you haven't thought of it already, you can also use lynx (or 
links) to render HTML email inside the mutt pager, by having a 
~/.mailcap entry like so:

text/html; elinks -dump --force-html %s; needsterminal; copiousoutput;

And thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge the
blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of
the LORD, at the hand of Jezebel. For the whole house of Ahab shall
-- Bible, II Kings (9:7-8)

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