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Re: Question about PGP Signatures.

Thus spake Todd:
> Daniel Carrera wrote:
> > Can I make Mutt default to *not* sign emails going to a particular
> > email address?
> Sure.  This is simple with a send-hook:
> send-hook .                 'set pgp_autosign=yes'
> send-hook '~t list_address' 'set pgp_autosign=no'
> > There is one list I'm on with a high incidence of Outlook users.
> > And Outlook sucks.
> No disagreement there.
> > It can't even handle PGP.
> That's not entirely true.  Outlook (or Outlook Express, I've never
> tested them both enough to know which barfs on what) doesn't handle
> OpenPGP/MIME.  It wrongly displays the message as an attachment.


I don't know whether this is a freak occurrence, but one of my friends
who uses Outlook Express has told me that all of a sudden, my emails
have started displaying 'properly' -- i.e. the message text is directly
readable rather than an attachment.  He uses it on a work PC and hasn't
changed anything himself, so I can only assume that this is because of
one of the countless security updates that seem to be installed on the
Windows machines here every few days.

I'd be interested to know if this is true for other machines too...
seems unlikely that Microsoft have actually decided to make OE support
some standards!  Probably accidental!
