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Re: Question about PGP Signatures.

Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Can I make Mutt default to *not* sign emails going to a particular
> email address?

Sure.  This is simple with a send-hook:

send-hook .                 'set pgp_autosign=yes'
send-hook '~t list_address' 'set pgp_autosign=no'

> There is one list I'm on with a high incidence of Outlook users.
> And Outlook sucks.

No disagreement there.

> It can't even handle PGP.

That's not entirely true.  Outlook (or Outlook Express, I've never
tested them both enough to know which barfs on what) doesn't handle
OpenPGP/MIME.  It wrongly displays the message as an attachment.  It
also does not handle the inline pgp messages created by Mutt < 1.5
which use a content-type of application/pgp.  Mutt >= 1.5 now uses
text/plain for inline messages and Outlook will display them.

If you really want to continue signing messages to this list AND not
make all the Outlook users whine, you can use the pgp-traditional
patch from Dale Woolridge for mutt 1.4:


Or you could give the development version of mutt a try.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
I understand, as did our Founders, that the ultimate government
"safety net" is a straightjacket.
    -- Jason Peterson

Attachment: pgpxezeKGsQ7z.pgp
Description: PGP signature