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Re: Change From Automagically?

* Christian Höltje <list.mutt-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-08-10 10:26 -0500]:
> * Joshua Crawford (mortarn_lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx) [040810 03:01]:
>> * Christian Holtje <list.mutt-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-08-09 16:24 
>> -0500]:
>> > Here is my setup for disposable email addresses:
>> > I have a domain, docwhat.gerf.org, and it accepts all email
>> > addresses.  I have procmail scripts to sort stuff based on the
>> > address.  Specifically prefixes like com, list, org, net, info, etc.
>> > Some example addresses:
>> >  com.somebusiness
>> >  list.mutt-users
>> >  org.someorg
>> > 
>> > I just discovered that the $reverse_name stuff isn't working because
>> > I added a regex that includes all these disposable email addresses.
>> Please show us your $alternates.
> I have been changing it as I go along.  Right now it is:
> set 
> alternates="(.*@docwhat\.gerf\.org|(docwhat|christian|chris|bofh|kf6vnc)@(holtje|gerf)\.(org|net))"

I'm no expert, but that looks ok to me. It's a lot simpler than mine.

>> >  From the FAQ:
>> >   * I set $reverse_name, but it's not working!
>> >     The original message (the one to which you are replying) must
>> >     have been sent to an address which matches $alternates
>> >     (v<=1.5.5) or alternates-cmd (v>=1.5.6).
>> > 
>> > Why is this the case?  I find the reverse_name behaviour very very
>> > useful for my disposable email address scheme.  What are the pros
>> > and cons of putting an email address in alternates?
>> One pro is that $reverse_name works. Another is that ~p and ~P work. Yet one
>> more is that %F shows who you sent the mail to, instead of your own address.
>> There's more, I'm sure, but that's what came immediately to mind.
> Thank you for the information!  I had forgotten about these
> features.  Of course, how else would mutt know who is who?
>  From the manual:
>    ~p  message is addressed to you (consults $alternates)
>    ~P  message is from you (consults $alternates)
>  From the section for index_format:
>    %F  author name, or recipient name if the message is from you 
> I have a suggestion for the manual.  It would be nice if they were
> linked front and back.  The ~p mentions alternates, but it'd be good
> if it linked to alternates.  And if alternates had links to these.
> Where should I send a patch or a suggestion to?

Suggestions can be sent via flea (or muttbug), with priority 0 (wishlist).
Patches go to the mutt-dev list.

>> >  What should I
>> > have in there?  I accept email for a lot of addresses, because I'm
>> > an admin and try to keep things separate.  Should I only have my
>> > main address in there?
>> You should have all addresses that you receive mail at. I.e., 
>> set alternates='.*@docwhat\.gerf\.org'
> Okay, I made that change a little bit ago.  After I implimented the
> folder hook scripter thingy.

Would these be the folder-hooks mentioned elsewhere in this thread, that do
'my_hdr From:'? If so, they'll overwrite whatever address mutt wants to put
on your mail (whether it's the default $from or a $reverse_name). Try
removing them and see what happens.
Joshua 'bruce' Crawford ... http://www.geocities.com/mortarn

Don't believe everything you hear or anything you say.

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