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Re: Special need of key rebinding

    Hi Dave :)

 * David Yitzchak Cohen <lists+mutt_users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> dixit:
> >     I've thought about it, but I don't think it solves my problem
> > (which is to remember to hit 'l' instead of 'r' at the appropriate
> > times ;)).
> Yup, it's a bit off-topic, but if you use it, then you'll always be able
> to reply directly to an email's author, without having to copy/paste his
> address manually (or to remove the list address from your group-reply
> automatically).  In other words, it helps give an immediate incentive
> to want to treat group-reply and list-reply differently.

    I've set it up, just for testing.
> BTW - I wonder whether this works:
> macro index r "<list-reply><group-reply>"

    It doesn't :(( In a list, '<group-reply>' gets added into the
'To:' address...
> Now, if you want to post a followup to a message you're looking at, you'll
> want to use the list-reply function; if you want to reply directly to the
> author, you'll want to use the reply function.

    Good mnemonic ;) Thanks for the advice. I'll try my best to do
it. BTW, Mozilla can add a 'Followup-To:' header, but not a
'Mail-Followup-To:'. Will it work in Mutt?... I'm testing, and I'll
inform the list of the result.

> What it all boils down to is: You'll do yourself a favor
> if you can get out of the group-reply habit very soon.

    True ;)
> Here's what I have in my ~/.mutt/keymaprc.qwerty:
> message-hook . 'bind pager r reply'
> message-hook ~l 'macro pager r "<enter-command>bind pager r reply"'

    I don't understand... O:) You set up the same binding on both
message hooks, the default one and the lists one :?

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736
http://www.pleyades.net & http://raul.pleyades.net/