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Re: Special need of key rebinding

    Hi Dave :)

 * David Yitzchak Cohen <lists+mutt_users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> dixit:
> Perhaps a tad off-topic is the ignore_list_reply_to variable, which
> is extremely useful in lists that _do_ mangle the Reply-To header.

    I've thought about it, but I don't think it solves my problem
(which is to remember to hit 'l' instead of 'r' at the appropriate
times ;)).

> If you get used to asking yourself before every reply, "Do I
> want to followup to the list, or reply directly to the author?" you'll
> find that you naturally use the list-reply and reply functions at
> the appropriate times ... which may prompt you to change your original
> request, to remap 'r' to list-reply in the index view.

    I must confess that I know I should use the list-reply and
group-reply appropriately. Obviously there are two (well, three)
options for replying for good reasons. It's just that I'm accostumed
to reply to all my mail using group-reply and have the mail going to
the appropriate people. With the list I'm talking about and the users
I'm talking about, this lead to duplicates :(

> If you're used to doing stuff from the index menu, you can simply
> disable 'r' entirely in the index menu to get around the problem
> ... I think it's always good to take a look at a message before
> replying to it, just as a sanity check.)

    That's another solution I've thought of. I use to reply mail from
the index only when I've already read and deleted all mail I didn't
want to reply or save, so I'm at the index with pending mail left,
and I reply directly. But I'm starting to like the solution a lot. If
I cannot reply from the index, I can use message-hooks and the like ;)

    I'll give it a try :)

> BTW - If you're curious about how exactly I accomplish this, that,
> or the next thing, my entire configuration is online:
> http://www.bigfatdave.com/dave/mutt/muttdir/

    I've read it, crawling in your webpage ;) FYI, I'm Debian
GNU/Linux, I suppose I don't take enough showers XDDDD (I don't even
remember my answers...)

    Thanks for the idea of disabling replying from the index :)

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736
http://www.pleyades.net & http://raul.pleyades.net/