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Re: Special need of key rebinding

    Hi Charles :)

 * Charles Cazabon <mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> dixit:
> >     The problem is that the person gets two copies of the message,
> > and I want to avoid this. I've managed to remap 'r' to 'list-reply'
> > when I *view* the message, but I want this too from the index view.
> > Cand this be achieved or I must remember to hit 'l' instead of 'r'
> > for these messages (which I forgot always...).
> Yes, I believe you can remap the list-reply function to the 'r' key
> for just that mail folder, using a folder-hook.

    I didn't mention, sorry, but all mail is in the same folder O:)
> >     The solution is to get a correct Reply-To,
> No, Reply-To: is not intended for this.

    Why it is intended, then? I've used this as a mean to set the
appropriate reply address for messages sent to this list, so when
people answers such a message, they reply to the list address :?
Obviously I was wrong.

    The fact is that when I receive a message from somebody on that
list who sets up its Reply-To: and I hit 'r' (group-reply), the reply
correctly goes to the list address (well, assuming that this address
is the one present in the Reply-To: header, of course).

> Mail-Followup-To: (which mutt supports), however, /is/.

    First time I heard of that header, sorry, in this issue :( I
thought it served as a means to link messages in threads, but I
haven't investigated about.

> Get the people on the list to set Mail-Followup-To: appropriately.

    Some of them cannot, since they use other user agents, and I
don't know how to set up all of them ;)

> mutt can set it properly on your outgoing messages
> automatically, as it does for me.

    Could you be so kind so to explain which value to put in
'Mail-Followup-To:'? Thanks in advance :) and thanks for the
explanations :)))

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736
http://www.pleyades.net & http://raul.pleyades.net/