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Re: your subject-less mail

On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 08:23:00PM EST, Stephen wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 08:01:48PM -0500 or thereabouts, David Yitzchak Cohen 
> wrote:

> > to read up a bit [1] about my config [2], which is highly optimized for
> > mailing lists.  AFAIK, no other Mutt configuration provides many of the
> > features [3] present in mine.
> Geez, Uncle David, you mean I can obscene long headers like you to?!
> ;)

#Ignore all of Uncle Dave's crap:
message-hook . 'unignore *; ignore standard-ignore-list'
message-hook "~f lists(.*)@bigfatdave\.com" 'ignore X-GPG-Key: 
X-GPG-Key-Direct-Link: X-GPG-Key-Old-Location1: X-GPG-Key-Old-Location2: 
X-GPG-Key-Old-Location3: X-GPG-Notice: X-Abuse: X-Geek-Code: 
X-Revised-Dragon-Code: X-Message-Flag: X-MSMail-Priority: X-MimeOLE: X-Mailer: 
X-Operating-System: X-Wishlist-Operating-System: X-Operating-Environment: 
X-Wishlist-Operating-Environment: Reply-By: X-Virus: X-From-Note-Line1: 
X-From-Note-Line2: X-From-Note-Line3: X-From-Note-Line4: X-From-Note-Line5: 
X-From-Note-Line6: X-From-Note-Line7: X-From-Note-Line8: X-From-Note-Line9: 

Another option would be to watch my default_headers file [1] and
automatically block everything there when reading my mail.

> Seriously, I wish you would consider cutting them out. It's a pain to
> read your posts, with the superfluous header info . You don't think people 
> are actually reading them do you?

Think of it this way: my posts serve as a wakeup call to those who haven't
yet decided to learn how to use Mutt properly.  They must learn to either
ignore me, or to filter out my headers.  Much good comes from the latter,
and the former can't hurt.

 - Dave


Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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