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Re: your subject-less mail

On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 02:05:32AM -0500, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:

> Think of it this way: my posts serve as a wakeup call to those who
> haven't yet decided to learn how to use Mutt properly.  They must
> learn to either ignore me, or to filter out my headers.  Much good
> comes from the latter, and the former can't hurt.

Ignoring the extraneous and self-indulgent 2K+ of X-headers is certainly
a no-brainer in mutt, but those thousands of bytes still have to be
downloaded before they can be ignored.  There are still plenty of people
out there with metered 'Net access.

Moving an obscenely huge and pointless .sig into the headers to avoid
censure for ignoring basic netiquette isn't really as clever as you seem
to think, and hardly counts as a wakeup call to anyone for anything.

Affected cleverness, while certainly self-serving, rarely serves as
anything of value.

>  - Dave

~ D

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