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Isn't there a vi list somewhere? <- strong hint

At  7:08 AM PST on December 12 Allister MacLeod sent off:
> corollary.  I'm led to believe that in Canada, they pronounce this
> "k3-RAHL-3-ree" instead of "KAHR-3-larry".  The Canadian pronunciation
> seems to better disambiguate the spelling.

For certain versions of Canadian, yes.  But now that a non vi lover has
contributed about as much as seems possible to this thread, it's time to
cease including us in it.

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Let me speak up for the millions of Scots ... everywhere in expressing our
annoyance at McD's for taking our surname prefix "Mc" and turning it into
a cheesy signifier for tasteless pap.  - Douglas Coupland, Vancouver Sun,
Nov. 23, 2003 (after McD complained about Coupland popularizing "McJob")