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Re: Strip SIG on reply

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:

> One particular annoyance I just came across while trying to edit this
> message with VIM is that historical VI beeps when you're at the last word,
> while VIM insists on going to the last char.

I hadn't noticed that.  Mostly when I'm comparing behavior, it's the end
result (and there are differences among vi/nvi/elvis/vim/vile, of course).
But mostly they're not documented.  Generally nvi is closer to vi's
behavior than either vim or elvis (not always).  I don't know that
anyone's listed all of the differences though.  (I regard the statement
that vim is almost 100% vi-compatible as complete nonsense though).

> just return to elvis and call it a day.  I only use VIM now occasionally,
> mostly to help people who're having trouble getting their entity macros
> working properly (elvis' entities aren't exactly VIM-compatible in
> general) and occasionally to fix a UTF file that I screwed up while
> editing with elvis.)

Yes.  There's also a recent nvi which does UTF-8 (though I haven't tried
that).  But aside from editing the UTF-8 test-cases for dialog, I haven't
found a use for that.  (Most of the time I run vim any more is to compare
bugs in the syntax highlighting).

Thomas E. Dickey