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Re: How to send a return receipt


On Thu, Oct 11, 2007 at 01:23:13PM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
> The concept of mail receipts is poorly designed; there is no way to implement

I agree, if you look at whats given by the aspect of a evidence in law terms
but it is practical if it is part of a given process between people. In our
case it is even a big plus to have it. It saves us a lot of time, and helps
defining a clear process between us and some of our customers. So sure it is
not a reliable sign if someone got a mail, but it is enough to be more worth
then just marketing blubb.

> *Many* of the better mail packages therefore do not implement support
> for it -- why have a feature if you *know* it can never work properly?

Whatever you define as *better* mail packages -- I don't know them then. All
the mail clients I know (besides mutt) support it. And its far from beeing
perfect, but in some situations it helps. So this is the reason.

But lets not discuss this anymore, because it is a discussion with no consense
in sight. Maybe its possible to find a solution that helps me anyway. E.g. is
it possible somehow with macros to send out a specific template as the reply to
a customer? I can use colored headers to notify me about the return receipt
question so there is no bigger problem with that, if I could send a
confirmation email by just a key press.

> It's also seen as an invasion of privacy.

Sorry, but I can't take that for serious.

Best Regards,
