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Re: Can one 'filter' a message being viewed?

On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 12:11:27PM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2006-10-13, Dave Dodge <dododge@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > When skimming through the big set of available therads I'm actually
> > more interested in which list it's from and the thread size/activity
> > level, than in the specific subject line.
> Then how about adjusting your 'index_format' to include %B or to use 
> %L instead of %F, perhaps like this:
>     :set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-10.10B %-15.15F (%4c) %s"

The downside with using %B for this is that it takes up room on every
line of the index and therefore shoves the tree display (which I do
like to see) even further off-screen.  When the list name is embedded
within the subject, it affects only the subject text and not the tree.

Also, once I tell mutt that a list is a list, it marks it as "L" in
the message status flags, which I actually don't want.  I find it
easier to pick out special-case messages at a glance when the mailing
list messages have no flags.

I've also got one or two cases where the word I use to mark the list
is not the same as the list address, which I'm not sure is something
that can be done with the existing lists/subscribe mechanism.

                                                  -Dave Dodge