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Re: Can one 'filter' a message being viewed?

On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 09:47:25AM +0200, Paul Puschmann wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 01:00:47AM -0400, Dave Dodge wrote:
> > I actually did something like that just recently.  I dump a lot of
> > mailing lists into the same folder and wanted messages labeled by
> > which list they came from.

> Hi, i'm just a bit curious why you put all mails in one folder?

I already have to deal with four different ways of reading email
because of accounts that are used for different purposes, and more
web-based forums than I care to count.  Splitting one of my inboxes
into multiple folders just makes things worse because it adds more
places I have to look.

I know I'm not the only person who doesn't use folders for this.  In
the discussion (on another list) that led to my patch, I wasn't even
the one who first raised the issue of marking subject lines with the
list name.

I suppose if I were getting high-volume mailing lists such as
linux-kernel I would probably break them out into their own folders,
but I typically use gmane newsgroups for those situations (yet another
interface).  My inbox only gets low-traffic lists, but I'm subscribed
to quite a few of them.

                                                  -Dave Dodge