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Re: Can one 'filter' a message being viewed?

On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 03:31:39AM -0400, Dave Dodge wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 09:47:25AM +0200, Paul Puschmann wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 01:00:47AM -0400, Dave Dodge wrote:
> > > I actually did something like that just recently.  I dump a lot of
> > > mailing lists into the same folder and wanted messages labeled by
> > > which list they came from.
> > Hi, i'm just a bit curious why you put all mails in one folder?
> I already have to deal with four different ways of reading email
> because of accounts that are used for different purposes, and more
> web-based forums than I care to count.  Splitting one of my inboxes
> into multiple folders just makes things worse because it adds more
> places I have to look.
I hate forums for that very reason, I *never* stay on them long
because they are such a pain to use.

Surely multiple inboxes is hardly onerous, you just 'c' around to read
all your new mail, there's never a need to explicitly name an inbox to
get there.

> I know I'm not the only person who doesn't use folders for this.  In
> the discussion (on another list) that led to my patch, I wasn't even
> the one who first raised the issue of marking subject lines with the
> list name.
I have the opposite problem!  I strip the list name out of the subject
line when lists include it because the list name is so long in many
cases that the end of the actual subject gets lost.  

> I suppose if I were getting high-volume mailing lists such as
> linux-kernel I would probably break them out into their own folders,
> but I typically use gmane newsgroups for those situations (yet another
> interface).  My inbox only gets low-traffic lists, but I'm subscribed
> to quite a few of them.
>                                                   -Dave Dodge

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxxx)