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Re: Can one 'filter' a message being viewed?

On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 08:23:37PM +0000, Jeffery Small wrote:
> Regarding the issue of managing mailing lists:
> My solution to this was to create a number of local newsgroups and
> feed the mail from each list into its own group using a mail
> processing program [I use the perl-based mailagent(1)].  I then read
> messages using my newsreader [nn(1)] which I find much faster as the
> user and subject get automatically organized and presented in a manner
> that let's me very quickly peruse and dispose of the messages.  I
> probably subscribe to 50-75 mailing list and find it all very
> manageable.  Why, right now I'm reading this message in my local.mutt
> newsgroup with nn and replying from there!

Interesting reading, but if everything goes through local mail-to-news
processing, and you use nn (instead of, say, ... muttng) for reading
news, when and how do you use mutt, if at all?  Or am I missing
something?  And then, given that you prefer a news interface, why not
just suck a feed directly from Gmane for mailing list content and skip
the processing altogether?

Getting a bit off-topic, I'm also curious as to what other, if any, uses
you make of local newsgroups.  I've been a big fan of usenet longer than
I can remember (about the same length of time I've detested email and
most all email clients, no doubt), but since I discovered mutt, I seem
to have gone in the reverse direction.  I subscribe to a large number of
mailing lists, but my news feed ends up in a series of mboxes that I
read (with mutt) at the same time as I read mailing list content.
