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Re: howto get mutt to display "circled numbers"

On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 04:34:33PM +0200, Alain Bench wrote:
>  On Saturday, July 15, 2006 at 16:53:53 +0900, Henry Nelson wrote:
> > I changed to `` set charset="euc-jp-ms" '' in .muttrc, and now I see
> > the "correct rendering" of the body
> >| ?? 構造検索の強化
> >| ?? 反応検索の強化
>     But you can't send them: Characters ① and ② were changed each to a

I can see them now with patched iconv!  What is _really_ fantastic is that
my editor (nvi-m17n by Junichiro Hagino) and mutt now have the same
capabilities, i.e., I see a circled one, "①", in both!!

Theoretically, I should be able to send them, too.  (Fingers crossed.)

>     Google states that a Japanese patch to libiconv exists at
> <URL:http://www2d.biglobe.ne.jp/~msyk/software/libiconv-patch.html>. It
> was crafted by Masayuki MORIYAMA, also contributor of some Mutt patches
> like patch-1.5.8.msyk.iconvhook.1. I can't read Japanese, but downloaded
> libiconv-1.10-cp932.patch.gz, and rebuilt libiconv. Now:

I decided to try "libiconv-1.10-ja-1.patch.gz" since it seemed to do even
more than the "-cp932" patch.  Mr. Moriyama really understands our problem
here in Japan -- 99.99% of people use Windows or Mac to send mail and they
have no concept that someone cannot see what they see on their displays.

Anyway, his patch makes iconv as useful as nkf for Japanese users.

> | $ iconv -l | grep EUC-JP-MS

% iconv -l | grep JP-MS
CP50221 ISO-2022-JP-MS MS50221 WINDOWS-50221

> | $ printf "\xAD\xA1\n" | iconv -f euc-jp-ms -t c99
> | \u2460
> |
> | $ printf "\\\\u2460\n" | iconv -f c99 -t euc-jp-ms
> | ①
> |
> | $ printf "\xAD\xA1\n" | iconv -f euc-jp-ms -t euc-jp
> | iconv: (stdin):1:0: cannot convert
> |
> | $ printf "\xAD\xA1\n" | iconv -f euc-jp-ms -t euc-jp//TRANSLIT
> | (1)

Yes!  This is great news.

> | # localedef -i fr_FR -f EUC-JP-MS  fr_FR.euc-jp-ms
We don't have this command in NetBSD yet.

> | charset-hook ^euc-jp$ euc-jp-ms     # Once euc-jp-ms known to iconv,
> |                                     # this is a clean solution;
> |                                     # Not a "dirty hack" anymore. ;-)

I have the following in .muttrc.  So far 100% _solution_ (not "workaround").
set charset="euc-jp-ms"
charset-hook ^euc-jp$ euc-jp-ms

> | set 
> send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:iso-8859-15:windows-1252:iso-8859-2:windows-1250:iso-2022-jp:euc-jp;euc-jp-ms:utf-8"

Hmmm.  I don't know about sending mail encoded in euc.  How about:

>     And I can now read, compose, and hopefully send properly both a
> (one) and a (TM). Let's see: ① ™. Furthermore this setup is clean
I see the (one) okay, but I'm not sure about the (TM).  I see some super-
script kind of glyph, but I can't make out "TM".

> Mutt 1.5.12 is released.

I'll try to get that compiled ASAP.

Thanks, Alain.  You have made this one of the happiest days in my
computing life.

henry nelson