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Re: selective smart host/sendmail choice

* Spiro Trikaliotis (trik-news@xxxxxx) wrote thusly unto the masses:
> > I think it's important to look at the sheer power that
> > sendmail puts in your hands without ever editing a single line of
> > sendmail source code.
> But why can't sendmail put this functionality in human-readable config
> files?

Not to defend or proselytize sendmail, but it does have a config file
sendmail.mc, a much more human readable formatted file. This is used by
m4 to generate sendmail.cf, which is a tough read.


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6f right kind of advertising.                                          66
73  -- Mark Twain                                                      6e
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37 011000010110111001110100011001010111001001101110                    36