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Re: 256 colors

On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 01:16:06AM -0400, cga2000 wrote:
> > don't really understand what the "bce issue" is, nor what "the config
> > files" refer to.  TIA
> The "bce issue" refers to a problem with stuff like status lines -- say
> white text on a blue background..  What I have observed is that I
> "lose" the background color .. or rather it stops where text stops.
> Difficult to describe but you can check out the mutt screenshot I
> posted recently for a sample.
> This is somewhat annoying when for instance you are in the mutt index
> with the "current message" highlighted..  When you move up and down the
> index, the "indicator" line (? .. I think that's what it's called ..
> no time to check ..) is broken somewhere in the middle and the two
> separate parts of the line change lengths depending on the length of

Perfect!  Thanks very much.  When I very first started using Mutt, I
had this problem, but over time it "went away" without my ever knowing

> least Alain B's terminfo took care of this problem.
> I then managed to get Vim and ELinks (again a 256-color capable version)
> to use the 256 colors that my hardware was capable or (xterm configured
> with 256 colors) by "saying so" in their respective config files.  And
> both apps were kind enough to oblige.
> mutt, OTOH only cares about what is specified in the terminfo entry

Okay, so to recap: you installed Alain B's terminfo description, and
that gave you 256 colors in Vim, ELinks *AND* Mutt.

I'd like to check on one more thing; did you remove those entries
in the "respective config files", or did you leave the "hardware is
capable" directions in the config files even after installing Alain's
terminfo descriptions?

> I'm not sure this helps at all where you are concerned but it may
> clarify my earlier posts (?)
> Sorry about not really being able to explain anything useful.  The most

It helps a lot and was very useful.  I appreciate your taking the time
to explain things and tie them together.  Thanks again..

henry nelson