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Re: Poll: vars naming scheme, some answers

[=- markus reichelt wrote on Sat  3.Jun'06 at 18:02:58 +0200 -=]

> Oh but I do not care about voting. That's the point you don't get.

I get that.
I just don't get why you chimed in _at all_ then!
Why not just keep quiet about it altogether?
So it's just the obligatory "listen to me, I have nothing to say"?

> It's like in politics, there's always more discussion than
> voting.

Guess what, that is known to me, too.
That's why I have prepared a summarized list of arguments for both
sides, so that the discussion would be kept low
 _because most stuff has been said already_,
no need to repeat, and the voting would actually increase.

But hey, who made the discussion get bigger than the votes
_again_? You!
You're a hypocrite: you are the one who fails the most at what you
are complaining about. Well done. And thanks for nothing but hot
air. I know how this works. With this you want to make yourself
and your side bigger than you actually are, but I can see through
this hot air and get to the point, as obviously more mature people
do aswell (and already have shown, even those on your side).
Even those legitimately choosing "no" can do so in a contructive/
cooperative way, unlike you, to actually have more votes than

> You're trying to impose your views on others.

Aha, by what?
You mean by finding out the majority in this vote?
        Which might be against your position?
Oh hey... how dare I find things out as they really are...

> If you had read my mails carefully... nah, a waste of time
> telling you.

Of couse it's a waste of time when you demand from others what you
yourself are not willing to do.

If you mean this
------ QUOTE BEGIN ------
        He posted the poll here, so it might be a good idea to
        check for replies here too.
        I won't use the wiki.
------- QUOTE END -------
then you _have noticed_ that the original post contained
references to outside resources. You still haven't explained why
you refuse to respect anything being written outside of this list
and using external technology to aid keeping track of discussion
and votes.

> I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your insulting comments to
> yourself, though.

I'd prefer if you kept the hot air to yourself and reduce the
noise and contribute something useful, i.e. _new_.

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Even if it seems insignificant, in fact EVERY effort counts
for a shared task, at least to show your deserving attitude.